Sux and the City

Fans of the hit HBO series "Sex and the City" will be disappointed to hear that the proposed third film adaption is officially canceled.
The series, which ran from 1998-2004 chronicled the life of fashionista sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and her three best friends -- vivacious PR executive Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), tough lawyer Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), and prissy Charlotte (Kristin Davis) as they navigate the New York dating scene in search of great love, great shoes, and great sex. The series was followed up by two feature films released in 2008 and 2010.
Since 2010's "Sex and the City 2 " which was not received well by fans or critics, rumors have been circulating of a third film outing for the Fab Four.
In October 2017, those hopes were dashed. According to series star Sarah Jessica Parker, “It’s over. “We’re not doing it," and that beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story” ready to be filmed.
Sources cited Kim Cattrall's diva-ish demands as the reason why the third movie isn't getting made, claiming that the 61 year old actress, 
“was dragging her feet all summer and cast and crew members had put their lives on hold to get ready to shoot the movie. Then when she made outrageous demands, the studio had enough and pulled the plug. Her demand for them to buy her films in development and to give her a TV deal are what broke the camel’s back for them.”

Another source sympathized with Cattrall, saying that all she wanted was for her character to be treated better.
In the first movie Samantha becomes unhappy in her relationship with hot, sensitive actor, Smith Jerrod, so she eats to stop herself from cheating and gains weight. In the sequel the sexually charged vixen begins menopause and relies on hormones and cremes to fight it; when the girls visit Abu Dhabi, Samantha is distraught to learn that her hormones arr considered illegal in the UAE. Her final scene in the film shows Samantha having sex on the hood of a jeep on a beach.
While the TV series was in production, rumors circulated for years of fights between Parker and Cattrall, though the cast and crew were quick to deny any animosity. Cattrall wanting pay equal to Parker's, who served as an executive producer as well as the lead actress - was the main reason cited as the cause of the disputes.
The source in Cattrall's corner went on to say that, “She was willing to have a conversation, but she needed to hear something she hasn’t heard before — namely, that they would treat her character with some dignity and respect — and they wouldn’t even engage in that sort of discussion," and that depsite her humiliating storylines, she never wanted to derail things and she’s never demanded story approval and she’s never tried to meddle with what the screenwriters and show creators thought was best."
Sarah Jessica Parker put to rest any rumors of a feud with Catrall with a post on Instagram for Cattrall's birthday in 2016 ( see bottom.)
However Cattrall has since confessed that she was, "never friends" with her co-stars and that, “For me it’s over, it’s over with no regrets, I just wish that Sarah had been nicer. I never asked for any money, I never asked for any projects, to be thought of as some kind of diva is absolutely ridiculous.”
Singer/songwriter Sia has offered to step into Samantha's Monolo Blahniks, saying, 'I was like fuck it, I'll play Sam, like nobody cares! Like they just want the movie. We just want to see another movie, please! I'll take a bullet. I'll take all the haters saying 'she's not Sam', I don't care. I just want to see the movie.'
Since the announcement, fans have been suggesting that Samantha be recast or that they kill her off (the character had breast cancer in the final season.)
I am a huge fan of the show and of SJP in particular, but there is no show without Samantha, and nobody could pull off the character quite like Kim. I'd rather have no movie than a fake Sam. I completely respect her desire to pursue other avenues.
I'd like to personally thank Kim Cattrall for giving us 20 years of her life. Samantha is a fantastic character and we all admired her. Thank you, Kim. You'll always be fabulous.


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